Open Call for Project Ideas for Green Climate Fund financial support in the Republic of North Macedonia (2019)


Open Call for Project Ideas for Green Climate Fund financial support

in the Republic of North Macedonia (2019)

The Government of the Republic of North Macedonia represented by the Cabinet of the Deputy President of the Government in charge of Economic Affairs as a National Designated Authority (NDA) for the Green Climate Fund announces an Open call for Submitting Project Ideas that address and respond to the challenge of climate change.

The Open Call aims to target Project Ideas with climate mitigation/adaption potential to be considered on a national level as a first step in the project proposal development process(Project Idea, Concept Note and Full Project Proposal) for submission to the Green Climate Fund (GCF) for financing through grants, loans, equities and guarantees. 

Green Climate Fund in Brief

The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is a new global fund created by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to support the efforts of developing countries to respond to the challenge of climate change ( The main principle of the GCF, as a global fund, is to promote a paradigm shift to low-emission and climate-resilient development across the countries.

The total committed GCF financing currently is USD10.3 billion and the mobilization of resources is ongoing.

Project idea endorsement

The Project Idea notes should be fulfilled and submitted online to the NDA (via: in order to be eligible and subject to the prioritization procedure with the aim to determine the possibility to be included in the GCF Country Work Programme.

Each Project Idea needs to be in line with the country mitigation and adaptation priority sectors/actions defined already in the national strategic documents (Third National Communication on climate change - for adaptation priorities and the Second Biannual update Report on climate change - for mitigation priorities), as well as with the GCF strategic impact areas. All relevant documents are listed on the official web page:

How to apply?

This call is open for all interested stakeholders including academic institutions, national/local authorities, public and private companies, CSOs and other legal persons, so, any legal entity with ideas for climate investments is encouraged to develop a project idea.

Applicants should complete the Project Idea note in English language by using the electronic template accessible on the website, under the Section “Submit Project Idea”.

Before starting to develop their project idea, applicants should register at in order to access the Project Idea notes.

Deadline for Submission of Project Ideas

Applicants should submit the fully completed Project Idea Note not later than 15 December 2019 (16:00 hrs)

Supporting documents:

For guidelines about the GCF, including strategic impact areas, main eligibility and prioritization criteria, how to develop successful Project Ideas and later on Concept Notes and full Project Proposals,  please refer to the below documents:

Open Call for Project Ideas for Green Climate Fund financial support 
Отворен повик за финансиска поддршка на проектни идеи од Зелениот климатски фонд 
Thirrje e Hapur për Projekt-ide për mbështetje financiare nga Fondi i Gjelbër Klimatik

Applicant Guidelines for Developing Project Ideas for the GCF 
Упатство за  изработка на проектни идеи за ЗКФ
Udhëzime për përpilim të Projekt-ideve për GCF 



Development of a GCF Country Work Programme begins
Development of a GCF Country Work Programme begins

The Government of the Republic of North Macedonia, represented by the Cabinet of the Deputy President of the Government in charge of Economic Affairs as the National Designated Authority (NDA) for the Green Climate Fund (GCF) is taking the first steps for the preparation of the GCF Country Work Programme, which will represent an instrument to clearly set short- and medium-term key areas for engagement with the GCF, in alignment with broader national development and climate finance priorities.

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Open Call for Applications of Potential Green Climate Fund Direct Access Entities
Call for Applications of Potential GCF Direct Access Entities

The Government of the Republic of North Macedonia represented by the Cabinet of the Deputy President of the Government in charge of Economic Affairs as a National Designated Authority (NDA) for the Green Climate Fund announces an Open call for Submitting Applications from potential Green Climate Fund (GCF) Direct Access Entities (DAEs). The Open Call aims to target potential Direct Access Entities that wish to be considered during the process of prioritization and selection of the most suitable entity that could support the country as Direct Access Accredited Entity by the Green Climate Fund, to develop, implement and/or oversee projects/programs funded with GCF resources in alignment with North Macedonia’s GCF Country Program.

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Open Call for Project Ideas for Green Climate Fund financial support
Open Call for Project Ideas for Green Climate Fund financial support in the Republic of North Macedonia (2019)

The Government of the Republic of North Macedonia represented by the Cabinet of the Deputy President of the Government in charge of Economic Affairs as a National Designated Authority (NDA) for the Green Climate Fund announces an Open call for Submitting Project Ideas that address and respond to the challenge of climate change. The Open Call aims to target Project Ideas with climate mitigation/adaption potential to be considered on a national level as a first step in the project proposal development process(Project Idea, Concept Note and Full Project Proposal) for submission to the Green Climate Fund (GCF) for financing through grants, loans, equities and guarantees.

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